Corporate and Community Education

Hot Mix Asphalt Level 3 QC Manager

Non-SCDOT Employees:  If you are interested in this course but are either not ready to pay or there are no available sections of your desired course, please enroll in the Interest Course* on the course list below or email for more information.  If you want to enroll in a course that still has open seats (not marked as "Closed" on our website), please click on the link for your desired section and follow the instructions for registration on that page. 

SCDOT Employees Only:  If you are interested in a course that is full, or if there are no available sections of your desired course, please enroll in the Interest Course* on the course list below or email for more information.  If you want to enroll in a course that still has open seats (not marked as "Closed on our website), please complete this Billing and Registration Form and submit it to  All registered SCDOT employees will be billed to SCDOT on the first day of class.

*Note:  By registering for the Interest Course, you are not guaranteed a seat; payment is required to ensure registration.  However, if you register for the Interest Course because there are no currently-available sections, you will be notified when another section is available and offered the opportunity to register for that section.   

Click the course Title link for more information.

242XCET50201Hot Mix Asphalt Level 3 Quality Control Manager Certification/RecertificationXX - Columbia - CTB 210 Midlands Tech Harbison04/15/2504/18/25 Tu 9AM-5PM; W & Th 8:30AM-5:00PM; F 8:30AM-1:30PM945.00
242XCET79906SC DOT RetestIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building02/13/2502/13/25Th from 8:00 AM to 12 N50.00
242XCET79907SC DOT RetestIB 115 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building02/13/2502/13/25Th from 12 N to 4:00 PM50.00
242XCET79908SC DOT RetestIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building02/18/2502/18/25Tu from 8:00 AM to 12 N50.00
242XCET79909SC DOT RetestIB 115 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building02/18/2502/18/25Tu from 12 N to 4:00 PM50.00
INTDOTHMA3Hot Mix Asphalt Level 3 Quality Control Manager Interest List

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.