Corporate and Community Education

Freshwater Striper Fishing Interest List

Cost: $0.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

Interest for list for Freshwater Striper Fishing
Using time tested and tournament proven methods, this course will introduce the angler to the sport of freshwater striper fishing. In addition, you'll learn the basics of using a SONAR/GPS, reading a topographical map, seasonal fish movements, and much more that can aid in the pursuit of a variety of freshwater fish such as largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, and perch.

Weekly topics include:
1. Introduction/Safety/The Striper Boat
2. Stripers: Put and Take/Using your SONAR/GPS
3. Keeping a Fishing Log/Reading a Topo Map
4. Road and Reels/Terminal Tackle
5. Seasonal Movements/Catching Bait
6. Downline Methods/Topline Techniques/Weather Patterns
7. Cutbait Methods/Clothing/Cleaning Your Catch
8. Artificial Techniques/General Boat and Trailer Maintenance
9. Longlining for Crappie

Book included in registration fee.

Fee: $0.00


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