Corporate and Community Education

Courses Taught by Chad Knight

Click the course Title link for more information.

242XEGR51202Certified Production Operator for ManufacturingIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/10/2503/21/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM2995.00
242XEGR51203Certified Production Operator for ManufacturingIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/07/2504/18/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM2995.00
242XIMG71002OSHA 10-Hour Industrial StandardsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/20/2503/21/25Th and F from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM299.00
242XIMG71003OSHA 10-Hour Industrial StandardsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/17/2504/18/25Th and F from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM299.00
242XIMT62002Fluid Power - Maintenance and Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/25/2503/27/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT63302Programmable Logic Controllers - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/11/2503/13/25Tu, W and Th from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT63402Introduction to Robotics - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/01/2504/03/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT64402Motor Controls - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2504/10/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1495.00
243XIMT64101Basic Electrical ControlsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/29/2505/01/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1495.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.