Corporate and Community Education

ABC Child Care Training: Program Administration-Helping Your Staff Move Beyond Yesterday Better

Dates: October 14, 2023

Meets: Sa from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM

Location: IB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

Registration/Tuition: $25.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

This training is designed to help early childhood providers identify the milestones of development to plan age-appropriate activities.

This training will provide 5 clock hours of credit to meet state credentialing requirements in the topic area of Growth & Development.


Program Administration (Helping Your Staff Move Beyond Yesterday Better Care and Quality for the Children 2021-22)
Fee: $25.00

IB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

The Industrial and Business Development Center (IBDC) is located on the main campus in Pendleton. Parking is available near the IBDC in "Lot I" and "Lot E" (

Please complete a parking permit form ( and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle while parked on campus.

The physical location of Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Pendleton Campus is 7900 Highway 76 East, Pendleton, SC 29670. Directions: (

Janet Thompson
