Corporate and Community Education

Root Cause Analysis

Dates: June 13-15, 2023

Meets: Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Location: IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

Registration/Tuition: $1,295.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Ineffective PM programs produce unnecessary downtime due to equipment failures resulting in higher maintenance and operations costs, lower quality, and lower productivity. These consequences mean that optimizing your current PM program isn't just a maintenance objective, it is an organizational imperative.

This seminar focuses on the tools and techniques utilized in an effective and efficient PM program. Participants will learn five key maintenance strategies; Interval-Based, Condition-Based (PdM), Modify/Redesign, Run-to-Failure, and Redundancy; and the key factors for determining the optimal PM strategy for a piece of equipment. In addition, we will explore the five crucial questions for writing an effective PM, common condition monitoring tools, and key concepts for PM Optimization.
This course will refine and optimize your current Preventive Maintenance program to incorporate industry best practices in the areas of equipment PM procedures, safety and craft skill utilization and application.

Objectives are:
* Define equipment to be included in the PM program optimization
* Review current program, documentation and procedures
* Review equipment work order history
* Create report that describes findings and deficient areas and includes an action plan for improvement

Working with your Preventive Maintenance program key personnel, this course will:
* Assess equipment criticality methodology
* Define equipment to be included in the PM program optimization
* Assess current equipment maintenance plan content
* Analyze PM requirements
* Review technical documentation
* Assess current PM procedures and determine effectiveness and applicability
* Analyze equipment work order history
* Draft detailed report describing all findings, deficient areas and action plan for improvement

Fee: $1,295.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Registration/Tuition$1,295.00
Course Fee (Alternate)No fee$ 0.00

IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

The Industrial and Business Development Center (IBDC) is located on the main campus in Pendleton. Parking is available near the IBDC in "Lot I" and "Lot E" (

Please complete a parking permit form ( and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle while parked on campus.

The physical location of Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Pendleton Campus is 7900 Highway 76 East, Pendleton, SC 29670. Directions: (

Jay Sloan

Date Day Time Location
06/13/2023Tuesday8:30 AM to 4:30 PM IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building
06/14/2023Wednesday8:30 AM to 4:30 PM IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building
06/15/2023Thursday8:30 AM to 4:30 PM IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building


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