Corporate and Community Education

Electrical Troubleshooting

Dates: July 9-11, 2024

Meets: Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Location: IB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

Registration/Tuition: $1,495.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Electro-Mechanical troubleshooters are the heart and soul of any industrial maintenance organization. This training provides a structured format for those responsible for frequent electrical and mechanical maintenance and troubleshooting, as well as for anyone having a desire to learn a more formal approach in troubleshooting techniques. The course begins by providing a fundamental sequence of steps that can be applied when attempting to locate and repair problems in electrical and mechanical equipment, regardless of its type. The remainder of the course allows participants to apply the fundamentals learned to specific electrical and mechanical equipment, including Fluid Power, PLC controlled systems, and electrical and mechanical control systems.

Participants of this course will be able to demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge necessary to:
* Identify the abnormality or symptom based on normal operation behavior
* Determine the faulty element or component based on symptoms
* Plan a course of action to repair the equipment
* Safely perform repairs on the equipment
* Apply observation techniques to prevent reoccurance once the problem is repaired.

This course is designed to augment prior knowledge and skills in PLCs, Pneumatics, and Motor Controls

For more information, please contact Jay Sloan at 864.314.2396 or

To enroll, or for questions regarding registration, please contact Andrea Adams at 864.646.2039 or

Fee: $1,495.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Registration/Tuition$1,495.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Discount Registration Fee$ 510.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Discount Registration Fee 2$ 257.50
Course Fee (Alternate)
$ 0.00

IB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

The Industrial and Business Development Center (IBDC) is located on the main campus in Pendleton. Parking is available near the IBDC in "Lot I" and "Lot E" (

Please complete a parking permit form ( and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle while parked on campus.

The physical location of Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Pendleton Campus is 7900 Highway 76 East, Pendleton, SC 29670. Directions: (

Chris Trusty

Date Day Time Location
07/09/2024Tuesday8:30 AM to 5 PM IB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building
07/10/2024Wednesday8:30 AM to 5 PM IB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building
07/11/2024Thursday8:30 AM to 3:30 PM IB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building


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