Corporate and Community Education

Electrical Wiring (Residential & Commercial)

As you prepare for a career as an electrician, Electrical Wiring: Residential will provide training in the installation of residential electrical circuits. Students will learn basic electrical wiring concepts, electrical theory, Ohm's law and types of services for residential applications.
Electrical Wiring: Residential will provide training in the installation of residential electrical circuits. Students will expand their knowledge of the National Electrical Codes, calculations, wiring devices and troubleshooting.

Course Goals
Students who complete this course successfully will be able to:

" Install residential electrical circuits
" Learn to use the current National Electrical Code Book
" Perform calculations
" Troubleshoot circuits

Course Materials Included:
2020 NEC NFPA 70 Electrical Code book (Spiralbound w/tabs) ISBN: 55101500
Mullins & Simmons 2020 Residential Electrical Wiring ISBN: 978-0357366479
Ugly's Electrical References 2020 6th edition ISBN:978-12841944531
2020 Electrical Wiring Commercial, 17th edition, Mullin & Simmons, ISBN-13: 978-0357137697

Topics include: 1. Sizing raceways (bending conduit, junction boxes, etc.); 2. 3-Phase Power; 3. 3-Phase Transformers; 4. Motor control circuits; 5. Motor installation; 6. Refrigeration and hermetic systems; 7. Basic troubleshooting.

Prerequisites: Students MUST take Residential before Commercial or have permisson from the Instructor to join the Commerical class without Residential.

Upon completing Electrical Wiring I, II, III, and IV, you will be ready to begin the process of becoming a licensed Electrical Journeyman by obtaining the required work experience required to take the State exam.

For more information about our programs, please call (864) 646-1700. Or, attend one of our Open Houses or apply for one our Workforce Scholarships!

Online registration is not available at this time. Please contact our office for more information.

Support Person: Corporate and Community Education Division  Phone: 864-646-1700  Email:


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Courses in this Package
Electrical Wiring: Commercial (January 7 - March 13, 2025)
Electrical Wiring: Residential (September 10 - November 19, 2024)

Total Cost: $2,998.00