Corporate and Community Education

Wastewater: Plant Safety

Dates: April 17, 2025

Meets: Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Location: IB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

Registration/Tuition: $75.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

Recommended for:
Biological Operators
*Physical/Chemical Operators
*Water Treatment Operators
*Water Distribution Operators

The participant will know the procedures to identify hazards, and equipment safety.
*Identifying hazards
*Safety equipment
*Disinfection equipment
*Accident prevention and reporting

Wastewater classes scheduled here are for D and C level operators. B and A level operators will also benefit from these courses by obtaining CEUs and getting valuable review material for B and A level exams. Operators can take oany of these classes ofr CEUs to keep their certifications current. People wishing to go into the wastewater field can take these classes without any previous experience and take the exam; however, it should be noted that certification is not granted until the required job experience is met. One year of job experience is required for each level of Operator. Exams are taken in Columbia through the LLR Board.

Wastewater courses are not eligible for tuition assistance/scholarships.

Please call 646.2039 if you have any questions.
Fee: $75.00

IB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

The Industrial and Business Development Center (IBDC) is located on the main campus in Pendleton. Parking is available near the IBDC in "Lot I" and "Lot E" (

Please complete a parking permit form ( and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle while parked on campus.

The physical location of Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Pendleton Campus is 7900 Highway 76 East, Pendleton, SC 29670. Directions: (

Steve Hunt


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