Corporate and Community Education

Certified Fiber To The Home Specialist (CFOS/H)

Dates: May 9, 2025

Meets: F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Location: IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

Registration/Tuition: $1,100.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

This 2-day, Fiber To The Home Specialist course is a comprehensive program to introduce the fiber optics technician to Fiber to the Home architectures being utilized, advantages and disadvantages of each and types of components necessary to complete a FTTH fiber segment. Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with why FTTH is being implemented today, including technical, marketing, and financial justifications. The student will further be familiar with the technical details and attributes of specialized FTTH components such as: splitters/couplers and wavelength-
division multiplexers and the requirements for cables, connectors, splices, and associated hardware. FTTH design and installation requirements will be discussed in detail. The student will be able to successfully install, test, troubleshoot, and maintain FTTH links as a result of real world, hands-on training sessions. Course fee includes all study materials. Course sanctioned by the Fiber Optics Association (FOA).

Particular Physical Demand(s) on student: Students must be able to see, manipulate, and hold small tools and test equipment. Students must be able to read and speak the English language. Students must have the ability to announce to anyone in the classroom that lasers are about to be turned on or are currently on and active. Further, student must be able to hear and react to the announcement from anyone in the classroom that lasers are about to be turned on or currently active. Finally, students considering this, or any other fiber optics course must understand that, because of safety issues in dealing high-power lasers and microscopes, the ability to communicate these important announcements to co-workers and the ability to hear and react to these announcements from co-workers is required once in the field working in this industry.

Textbook: Fiber Optics Technician's Reference Manual by Jim Hayes, Supplementary Study Materials and Student Lab Manual. Course fee includes all study materials and consumables and exams.

Prerequisite: As of January 1, 2015, the student MUST have successfully passed the basic CFOT course within the preceding 12 months or have renewed their FOA membership within that time frame prior to attending the CFOS/T, CFOS/S, CFOS/H and/or the CFOS/O FOA Specialist courses offered by BDI Datalynk. Students are encouraged to register for all courses being offered at the individual locations with the understanding that the CFOT is the prerequisite for all other courses and it must be successfully completed first prior to attending any of the other "specialist" courses.

Course Objective: Program prepares the student to take the Certified Fiber to the Home Specialist (CFOS/H) exam given and graded at the end of class. Student will be able to effectively and efficiently install, terminate, and test singlemode FTTH fiber optic networks.

Course Schedule:
Day 1:
  • Introduction to FTTx (FTTH/P, FTTC) Types of FTTx architecture
  • Designing FTTx Networks
  • Installing FTTx Segments
  • PON Splitters/Couplers & Associated Components
  • FTTx Testing & Troubleshooting
  • FTTx Fiber Optics Safety
  • OSP Fiber Installation, Fusion Splicing, and Testing of SM FTTX Networks utilizing SC/APC Singlemode Pigtails, OSP and ISP FTTx Fiber Optic Cable and Hardware. In addition to standard tools and fiber optics test equipment, Fitel fusion Splicers will be used throughout hands-on sessions.
  • Testing and certification will be accomplished using OWL, OLTSs, and OWL Singlemode OTDRs.

Day 2:
  • Hands-on Session Continues
  • Review of OTDR & OLTS Testing Procedures
  • OLTs and OTDR PON Testing (Testing and Certification will be accomplished using OWL WaveTester Test Kits and Singlemode OTDRs).
  • PON Troubleshooting
  • Practical Hands-on exam: Troubleshooting, Repair, and Recertification of FTTx Networks. Testing and certification will be accomplished using OWL WaveTester Test Kits and Singlemode OTDRs.
  • Administer and grade written and hands-on CFOS/H Test.
  • To receive FOA certification, students must pass both written and hands-on exam


Pre-requisite: CFOT course must be taken and passed.
Fee: $1,100.00

IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building

The Industrial and Business Development Center (IBDC) is located on the main campus in Pendleton. Parking is available near the IBDC in "Lot I" and "Lot E" (

Please complete a parking permit form ( and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle while parked on campus.

The physical location of Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Pendleton Campus is 7900 Highway 76 East, Pendleton, SC 29670. Directions: (

Tom Rauch

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Tom Rauch


FOA Master Instructor – CFOT, CFOI

Tom retired from Verizon Communications as Manager, Network Operations. He was responsible for installation and maintenance field work groups throughout New Jersey. During his 30 year career with Verizon, Tom was involved in POTS (installation and maintenance), Digital, T1, T3, DSL/ADSL, Special Services (analog/digital), Safety, Training, Sales Generation and Public Affairs.

After his retirement Tom has worked as a training consultant teaching FTTH (voice, data and video), Fiber Splicing and Fiber CO/Distribution Network Applications to broadband technicians throughout the country. He has also worked as a consultant providing computer training at community colleges in NJ, MD and VA.

Tom is a Certified Fiber Optics Instructor and Fiber Optics Network Testing & Maintenance Specialist certified by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA).

Hobbies – Biking, Camping, Water Sports, Traveling, Sports Enthusiast.


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