Corporate and Community Education

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242XAHS61207CPR BLS Skills AssessmentIB 153 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/21/2503/21/25F from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM99.00
242XAHS61208CPR BLS Skills AssessmentIB 153 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/21/2503/21/25F from 10:30 AM to 12 N99.00
242XBCT50102OSHA 10-Hour Construction StandardsAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center04/07/2504/08/25M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM210.00
242XBCT63803Work Zone Flagger TrainingAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab03/21/2503/21/25F from 8:00 am to 12 noon145.00
242XBCT63804Work Zone Flagger TrainingAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab03/26/2503/26/25W from 8:00 am to 12 noon145.00
242XBUS56202Steps to Starting a Business - LIVE ON ZOOMXX - Online04/03/2504/03/25Th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM0.00
242XCET50201Hot Mix Asphalt Level 3 Quality Control Manager Certification/RecertificationXX - Columbia - CTB 210 Midlands Tech Harbison04/15/2504/18/25 Tu 9AM-5PM; W & Th 8:30AM-5:00PM; F 8:30AM-1:30PM945.00
242XCET50403Earthwork and Base Course Technician Certification/Recertification(Closed)*IB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/31/2504/03/25M 9AM-5PM; Tu, W, & Th 8:30AM-5:00PM1100.00
242XCET50502Foundations Technician Certification/Re-CertificationXX - Columbia - CTB 210 Midlands Tech Harbison04/22/2504/25/25Tu 9AM-5PM; W & Th 8:30AM-5PM; F 8:30AM-12:30PM945.00
242XCET51001Pavement Preservation Level 1: Asphalt Seal CoatsIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/22/2504/23/25Tu 9 AM to 5 PM and W 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM405.00
242XCET51101Pavement Preservation Level 1: Micro/Slurry SealsIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/23/2504/23/25W from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM365.00
242XCET51201Pavement Preservation Level 1: Concrete PavementsIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/24/2504/24/25Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM365.00
242XCET51303Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Asphalt RoadwayIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/17/2503/27/251st day 9 AM; M, Tu, W, &Th 8:30 AM-5 PM; F 8:30 AM-2 PM2500.00
242XCET51403Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Earthwork and Base Course(ClosIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/31/2504/10/251st day 9 AM; M, Tu, W, &Th 8:30 AM-5 PM; F 8:30 AM-2 PM2500.00
242XCET62409Earthwork and Base Course Technician Re-Certification - EXAM ONLY(Closed)*IB 115 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/19/2503/19/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM630.00
242XCET79917SC DOT RetestXX - Columbia - Conf Room, SCDOT Dist 1 Traffic Sig03/19/2503/19/25W from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM50.00
242XCET79918SC DOT RetestIB 115 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/25/2503/25/25Tu from 8:00 AM to 12 N50.00
242XCET79919SC DOT RetestIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/01/2504/01/25Tu from 8:00 AM to 12 N50.00
242XCET79920SC DOT RetestIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/01/2504/01/25Tu from 12 N to 4:00 PM50.00
242XCRJ50002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/24/2503/28/25M, Tu, W, Th, F and Sa from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
242XCRJ50102SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/21/2504/25/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
242XCRJ51002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online03/12/2503/12/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
242XCRJ51003SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online04/09/2504/09/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
242XCRJ51102SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site03/12/2503/12/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XCRJ51103SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site04/09/2504/09/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XECD50101ABC Child Care Training: Curriculum (The Love of Literature)IB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/12/2504/12/25Sa from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM25.00
242XECD50202ABC Child Care Training: Health & Safety (Bloodborne Pathogens)IB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/22/2503/22/25Sa from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM25.00
242XEET68001Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)IB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/17/2503/19/25M, Tu and W from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
242XEET68101Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Testing & Maintenance (CFOS/T)IB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/19/2503/20/25W and Th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1000.00
242XEET68201Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Splicing (CFOS/S)IB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/21/2503/21/25F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1000.00
242XEGR51202Certified Production Operator for ManufacturingIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/10/2503/21/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM2995.00
242XEGR51203Certified Production Operator for ManufacturingIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/07/2504/18/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM2995.00
242XEVT53101Wastewater: Basic Biological Treatment ProcessesIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/01/2504/03/25Tu and Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM150.00
242XEVT53501Wastewater: Plant SafetyIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/17/2504/17/25Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM75.00
242XEVT53601Wastewater: Basic Physical/Chemical Treatment ProcessesIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2504/10/25Tu and Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM150.00
242XEVT54001Wastewater: Mechanical EquipmentIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/15/2504/15/25Tu from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM75.00
242XIMG71002OSHA 10-Hour Industrial StandardsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/20/2503/21/25Th and F from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM299.00
242XIMG71003OSHA 10-Hour Industrial StandardsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/17/2504/18/25Th and F from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM299.00
242XIMT62002Fluid Power - Maintenance and Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/25/2503/27/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT62102Power TransmissionIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/22/2504/24/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1495.00
242XIMT63302Programmable Logic Controllers - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/11/2503/13/25Tu, W and Th from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT63402Introduction to Robotics - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/01/2504/03/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM1495.00
242XIMT64402Motor Controls - Maintenance Reliability TechnicianIB 142 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2504/10/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1495.00
242XMST75003Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab03/15/2503/16/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
242XMST75004Motorcycle Advanced Rider CourseAQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab03/23/2503/23/25Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM150.00
242XMST75005Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab03/29/2503/30/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
242XMST75006Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab04/05/2504/06/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
242XMST75007Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab04/12/2504/13/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
242XMST75008Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab04/26/2504/27/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
242XMTT56802CNC OperatorIT 127 - Industrial Technology Center, Sandy Springs04/08/2505/08/25Tu, W and Th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM1990.00
242XREA50104Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/07/2504/17/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
242XREA50203Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/24/2503/27/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
242XREA50204Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/21/2504/24/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
242XREA50803Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building03/26/2503/28/25W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
242XREA50804Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/28/2504/30/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
242XTDR52705Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2504/25/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
242XTDR52706Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2504/30/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
242XTDR53004Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2504/25/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
242XTDR53005Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2504/30/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
242XTRL50107Defensive Driving: Point ReductionEQ 103 - Easley QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab03/15/2503/15/25Sa from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XTRL50108Defensive Driving: Point ReductionAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center03/22/2503/22/25Sa from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XTRL50110Defensive Driving: Point ReductionAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center04/12/2504/12/25Sa from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XTRL50111Defensive Driving: Point ReductionEQ 103 - Easley QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/19/2504/19/25Sa from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM99.00
242XTRL50112Defensive Driving: Point ReductionAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center04/26/2504/26/25Sa from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM99.00
243XAHS50200Medical Terminology with Anatomy & PhysiologyIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/21/2506/11/25M and W from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM510.00
243XAHS50400Healthcare ProfessionalismIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2505/08/25Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM325.00
243XAHS56303Nurse Aide with Alzheimer's & DementiaIB 157 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/14/2506/02/25M, Tu, W and Th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM1928.00
243XAHS64300IV Therapy CertificateIB 157 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/20/2505/22/25Tu and Th from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM349.00
243XBCT60001Heavy Equipment Operator: NCCER Core & HEO Level 1 + Skid Steer, Excavator, Loader, CompactorAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center03/17/2505/22/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4895.00
243XBCT60002Heavy Equipment Operator: NCCER Core & HEO Level 1 + Skid Steer, Excavator, Loader, CompactorAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center05/27/2507/31/25Tu, W, Th, F and M from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4895.00
243XBUS56201Steps to Starting a Business - LIVE ON ZOOMXX - Online07/10/2507/10/25Th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM0.00
243XCET50001Hot Mix Asphalt Level 1 Quality Control Technician Certification(Closed)*IB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/13/2505/16/25Tu 9AM-5PM; W &Th 8:30AM-5PM; F 8:30AM-12:30PM1290.00
243XCET50301Asphalt Roadway Technician Certification(Closed)*XX - Columbia - CET 109 Midlands Tech Northeast05/06/2505/08/25Tu 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, W 8:30AM to 5:00 PM and Th from 8:30AM to 12:30PM785.00
243XCET50302Asphalt Roadway Technician CertificationIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/04/2506/06/25W 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Th 8:30AM to 5:00 PM and F from 8:30AM to 12:30PM785.00
243XCET50401Earthwork and Base Course Technician Certification/Recertification(Closed)*XX - Columbia - CE 113, Midlands Tech Harbison06/09/2506/12/25M 9AM-5PM; Tu, W, & Th 8:30AM-5:00PM1100.00
243XCET50402Earthwork and Base Course Technician Certification/Recertification(Closed)*IB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/28/2505/01/25M 9AM-5PM; Tu, W, & Th 8:30AM-5:00PM1100.00
243XCET50601Coarse Aggregate Level 1 Sampling and Grading Technician Certification/RecertificationAE 001 - Anderson, 1428 Pearman Dairy Rd Classroom05/06/2505/06/25Tu from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM170.00
243XCET50701Coarse Aggregate Level 2 Testing Technician Certification/RecertificationAE 001 - Anderson, 1428 Pearman Dairy Rd Classroom05/06/2505/07/25T from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM and W from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM360.00
243XCET51301Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Asphalt Roadway(Closed)*XX - Columbia - ICE Training Room04/28/2505/08/251st day 9 AM; M, Tu, W, &Th 8:30 AM-5 PM; F 8:30 AM-2 PM2500.00
243XCET51302Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Asphalt RoadwayIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/27/2506/06/251st day 9 AM; M, Tu, W, &Th 8:30 AM-5 PM; F 8:30 AM-2 PM2500.00
243XCET51401Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Earthwork and Base Course(ClosXX - Columbia - CE 113, Midlands Tech Harbison06/09/2506/19/251st day 9 AM; M, Tu, W, &Th 8:30 AM-5 PM; F 8:30 AM-2 PM2500.00
243XCET51901Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician: Hot Mix Asphalt Level 1 Quality ControlIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/12/2505/23/251st Day 9AM-5PM; T, W & Th 8:30AM-5PM; F 8:30AM-2PM3075.00
243XCET60001Hot Mix Asphalt Level 1 Quality Control Technician RecertificationIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/13/2505/15/25Tu 9AM to 5PM, W 8:30AM to 5PM, and Th 8:30AM to 12:30PM630.00
243XCET62301Asphalt Roadway Technician Re-Certification - EXAM ONLYXX - Columbia - Conf Room, SCDOT Dist 1 Traffic Sig05/20/2505/20/25Tu from 8:00 AM to 12 N630.00
243XCET62302Asphalt Roadway Technician Re-Certification - EXAM ONLYXX - Columbia - Conf Room, SCDOT Dist 1 Traffic Sig05/20/2505/20/25Tu from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM630.00
243XCET62401Earthwork and Base Course Technician Re-Certification - EXAM ONLYXX - Columbia - Conf Room, SCDOT Dist 1 Traffic Sig05/20/2505/20/25Tu from 8:00 AM to 12 N630.00
243XCET62402Earthwork and Base Course Technician Re-Certification - EXAM ONLYXX - Columbia - Conf Room, SCDOT Dist 1 Traffic Sig05/20/2505/20/25Tu from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM630.00
243XCRJ50001SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/19/2505/23/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
243XCRJ50002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/21/2507/25/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
243XCRJ50101SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/23/2506/27/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
243XCRJ51001SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online05/07/2505/07/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
243XCRJ51002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online06/11/2506/11/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
243XCRJ51003SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online07/09/2507/09/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
243XCRJ51101SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site05/07/2505/07/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
243XCRJ51102SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site06/11/2506/11/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
243XCRJ51103SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site07/09/2507/09/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
243XEET54402Electrical Wiring: ResidentialIB 147 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2506/12/25Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM1699.00
243XEET68001Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)IB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/14/2507/16/25M, Tu and W from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
243XEET68002Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/05/2505/07/25M, Tu and W from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
243XEET68101Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Testing & Maintenance (CFOS/T)IB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/16/2507/17/25W and Th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1000.00
243XEET68201Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Splicing (CFOS/S)IB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/18/2507/18/25F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1000.00
243XEET68301Certified Fiber Optic Specialist Outside Plant (CFOS/O)IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/07/2505/08/25W and Th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
243XEET68401Certified Fiber To The Home Specialist (CFOS/H)IB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/09/2505/09/25F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
243XEVT53801Wastewater: Sludge Handling and DisposalIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/29/2505/01/25Tu and Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM150.00
243XEVT53901Wastewater: Disinfection and Advanced TreatmentIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/06/2505/06/25Tu from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM75.00
243XEVT54101Wastewater: Field LaboratoryIB 152 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/08/2505/08/25Th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM75.00
243XIMT64101Basic Electrical ControlsIB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/29/2505/01/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1495.00
243XMST75001Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab05/03/2505/04/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XMST75002Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab05/17/2505/18/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XMST75003Motorcycle Advanced Rider CourseAQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab05/25/2505/25/25Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM150.00
243XMST75004Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab05/31/2506/01/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XMST75005Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab06/07/2506/08/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XMST75006Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab06/21/2506/22/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XMST75007Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab06/28/2506/29/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
243XQAT52701Lean Six Sigma Green BeltOC 126 - Oconee Campus03/10/2505/06/25M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM4995.00
243XREA50101Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/05/2505/15/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
243XREA50102Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/02/2506/12/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
243XREA50103Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/07/2507/17/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
243XREA50201Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/19/2505/22/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
243XREA50202Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/16/2506/19/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
243XREA50203Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/21/2507/24/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
243XREA50801Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building05/27/2505/29/25Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
243XREA50802Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/23/2506/25/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
243XREA50803Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/28/2507/30/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
243XTDR52701Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab05/14/2506/02/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
243XTDR52702Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2507/07/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
243XTDR52703Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2507/09/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
243XTDR53001Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab05/14/2506/02/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
243XTDR53002Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2507/07/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
243XTDR53003Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2507/09/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
243XTDR57001Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2505/09/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
243XTDR57002Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab04/09/2506/11/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM4795.00
243XTDR57003Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab05/14/2506/16/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
243XTDR57004Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2507/21/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
243ZQAT58501Leadership CertificationOC 109 - Oconee Campus04/03/2507/10/25Th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM2495.00
251XAHS50400Healthcare ProfessionalismIB 127 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building07/15/2508/14/25Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM325.00
251XBCT60001Heavy Equipment Operator: NCCER Core & HEO Level 1 + Skid Steer, Excavator, Loader, CompactorAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center08/04/2510/09/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4895.00
251XBCT60002Heavy Equipment Operator: NCCER Core & HEO Level 1 + Skid Steer, Excavator, Loader, CompactorAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center10/13/2512/11/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4895.00
251XBUS56201Steps to Starting a Business - LIVE ON ZOOMXX - Online10/02/2510/02/25Th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM0.00
251XCRJ50001SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building09/22/2509/26/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
251XCRJ50002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building11/17/2511/21/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
251XCRJ50101SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building08/25/2508/29/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
251XCRJ50102SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor TrainingIB 151 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/20/2510/24/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM599.00
251XCRJ51001SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online08/13/2508/13/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
251XCRJ51002SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online09/10/2509/10/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
251XCRJ51003SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online10/08/2510/08/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
251XCRJ51004SLED Safeguard SC - Classroom Instructor In Service (ONLINE)XX - Online11/12/2511/12/25W from 8:00 AM to 12 N99.00
251XCRJ51101SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site08/13/2508/13/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
251XCRJ51102SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site09/10/2509/10/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
251XCRJ51103SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site10/08/2510/08/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
251XCRJ51104SLED Safeguard SC - Firearms Instructor In ServiceOn-Site11/12/2511/12/25W from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM99.00
251XEET53801Electrical Wiring Certificate (Residential+Commercial)IB 147 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/08/2508/21/25Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM2998.00
251XEET54601Electrical Wiring: CommercialIB 147 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building06/17/2508/21/25Tu and Th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM1299.00
251XEET68001Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)IB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/13/2510/15/25M, Tu and W from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1100.00
251XEET68101Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Testing & Maintenance (CFOS/T)IB 140 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/15/2510/16/25W and Th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM1000.00
251XELW50001Power Line Worker Level 1 Certification with CORE classesAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center05/27/2508/07/25Tu, W, Th, F and M from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4995.00
251XELW50002Power Line Worker Level 1 Certification with CORE classesAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center08/04/2510/16/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4995.00
251XELW50003Power Line Worker Level 1 Certification with CORE classesAQ 011 - Anderson QuickJobs Center10/13/2512/18/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4995.00
251XMST75001Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab09/06/2509/07/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75002Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab09/20/2509/21/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75003Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab10/04/2510/05/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75004Motorcycle Advanced Rider CourseAQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab10/12/2510/12/25Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM150.00
251XMST75005Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab10/18/2510/19/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75006Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab11/01/2511/02/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75007Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab11/15/2511/16/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XMST75008Basic Motorcycle Class (BC)AQ 012 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Industrial Lab11/29/2511/30/25Sa and Su from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM325.00
251XREA50101Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building08/04/2508/14/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
251XREA50102Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building09/08/2509/18/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
251XREA50103Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/06/2510/16/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
251XREA50104Real Estate I: First Year Sales-PreLicenseIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building11/03/2511/12/25M, Tu, W, Th and F from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM499.00
251XREA50201Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building08/18/2508/21/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
251XREA50202Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building09/22/2509/25/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
251XREA50203Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/20/2510/23/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
251XREA50204Advanced Principles in Real EstateIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building11/17/2511/20/25M, Tu, W and Th from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM325.00
251XREA50801Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building08/25/2508/27/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
251XREA50802Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building09/29/2510/01/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
251XREA50803Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building10/27/2510/29/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
251XREA50804Consultative SellingIB 126 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building12/01/2512/03/25M, Tu and W from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM1185.00
251XTDR52701Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab07/23/2508/08/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR52702Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2509/15/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR52703Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2509/18/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
251XTDR52704Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab10/01/2510/17/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR52705Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2511/21/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR52706Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2511/26/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
251XTDR53001Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab07/23/2508/08/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR53002Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2509/15/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR53003Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2509/18/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
251XTDR53004Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab10/01/2510/17/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR53005Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2511/21/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
251XTDR53006Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2511/26/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM2495.00
251XTDR57001Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab06/18/2508/19/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM4795.00
251XTDR57002Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab07/23/2508/22/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
251XTDR57003Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2509/29/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
251XTDR57004Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab08/27/2510/29/25W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM4795.00
251XTDR57005Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab10/01/2510/31/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
251XTDR57006Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2512/09/25W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
252XTDR52701Truck Driving Class "B"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab12/10/2501/05/26W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
252XTDR53001Truck Driving Class "B" with Passenger EndorsementAQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab12/10/2501/05/26W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM2495.00
252XTDR57001Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab11/05/2501/15/26W, Th, M and Tu from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM4795.00
252XTDR57002Truck Driving Class "A"AQ 015 - Anderson QuickJobs Center, Computer Lab12/10/2501/19/26W, Th, F, M and Tu from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM4795.00
APRILOpen House EventIB 115 - Pendleton Campus, IBDC Building04/15/2504/15/25Tu from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM0.00
DOTREPLCARD1SCDOT Replacement Certification Card
INTBKPALCBookkeeping Accounting Clerk Interest List (ALC)
INTBOSSALCBusiness Office Support Specialist Interest List (ALC)
INTCNANurse Aide Interest List
INTCNCCNC Interest List
INTCONSTRUConstruction + Exam Prep Interest List
INTCPOMCertified Production Operator for Manufacturing Interest List
INTCUSTSERVCustomer Service ALC Interest List
INTDLITDigital Literacy Interest List
INTDOTARTAsphalt Roadway Technician Interest List
INTDOTCAL1Coarse Aggregate Level 1 Sampling and Grading Technician Interest List
INTDOTCAL2Coarse Aggregate Level 2 Testing Technician Interest List
INTDOTEWBCEarthwork and Base Course Technician Interest List
INTDOTFNDSFoundations Technician Interest List
INTDOTHMA1Hot Mix Asphalt Level 1 Quality Control Technician Interest List
INTDOTHMA2Hot Mix Asphalt Level 2 Job Mix Technician Interest List
INTDOTHMA3Hot Mix Asphalt Level 3 Quality Control Manager Interest List
INTDOTP1CPPavement Preservation Level 1: Concrete Pavements Interest List
INTDOTP1MSPavement Preservation Level 1: Micro/Slurry Seals Interest List
INTDOTP1SCPavement Preservation Level 1: Asphalt Seal Coats Interest List
INTDOTPHAPre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Asphalt Roadway Interest List
INTDOTPHEPre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - Earthwork & Base Course Interest List
INTDOTPHH1Pre-Highway Construction Inspector/Testing Technician - HMA Level 1 Interest List
INTECGECG Technician Interest List
INTEETEXJourneyman/Master Electrician Exam Prep Interest List
INTELECTElectrical Wiring Interest List
INTEMTEMT Technician Interest List
INTEMTREMT Refresher Course Interest List
INTFIBERFiber Optics Interest List
INTFIS502Freshwater Striper Fishing Interest List
INTFLAGGERWork Zone Flagger Interest List
INTFORKLIFTForklift Operations and Safety Interest List
INTHEO24Heavy Equipment Operator Interest List
INTITIT Certifications Interest List
INTIVTIV Therapy Interest List
INTKIDKid's Camps Interest List
INTLOGISTICSLogistics Interest List
INTMBCMedical Billing and Coding Interest List
INTMOAALCMedical Office Administrative Specialist w/Essentials of Billing and Coding Interest List (ALC)
INTMRTMaintenance Reliability Technician Interest List
INTMSHANMSHA New Miner Training Interest List
INTMSHARMSHA Annual Refresher Training Interest List
INTOFFICEALCMicrosoft Office Interest List (ALC)
INTONLCAROnline Advanced Career Training Programs
INTOSHACONOSHA 10-Hour Construction Standards Interest List
INTOSHAGENOSHA 10-Hour General Industry Standards Interest List
INTPHLEBPhlebotomy Technician Interest List
INTPHOTOPhotography Interest List
INTPLUMBPlumbing Interest List
INTPOWLINE24Power Line Worker Interest List
INTPTCPersonal Trainer Certificate Interest List
INTQUICKQuickBooks Interest List
INTREALCONReal Estate & Consultative Sales Interest List
INTRECONTEDReal Estate Continuing Education Courses
INTSTPROSterile Processing Interest List
INTWEBDESIGNWeb Design Interest List
INTWWWastewater Interest List

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.